Analysis of Brita Lynn Thompson's Artwork

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In this drawing Thompson uses Sharpie, fine liners and an X-ACTO knife to create the camera shape. She uses a black medium on a white background which establishes a strong and bold effect. The use of monochrome makes negative and positive space evident. If you are seeing white as the area of interest, then you are seeing the white area as the positive space. The black areas become the negative space. If you are seeing black areas as the area of interest in her artwork, then you are seeing them as the positive space and the white area as the negative space. With the camera being made up of geometric shapes, the centre (lens of camera) becomes the dominant viewpoint due to the pattern projecting out from the origin of the circle; creating a uniformed composition. The scale of pattern varies; creating depth and three-dimensional effects by overlapping the lines in some areas. Geometric pattern is apparent as well as simpler floral patterns and the camera design that includes these patterns within are asymmetrical. In each section of the camera there is a variety of lines which create focal points. Thompson uses repeated motifs throughout her artwork generating a consistent theme and style. When seeing Brita Lynn Thompson’s artwork on Instagram, I was immediately impressed nu the accuracy and intricacy of the detail she has used. What I love about her work is the lack of colour makes the audience have an individual, different perspective on her

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