Analysis Of Alsop's "Trophy Kids"

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Chris Sharpe BCOR 2300, Critical Analysis In the Wall Street Journal entry titled “The Trophy Kids go to Work”, Ron Alsop wishes to convey the message that the generation of workers born between 1980 and 2001, so named ‘millennials,’ have expectations that are foreign and too demanding of the current workforce. He claims that this generation feels they are entitled to “higher pay, flexible work schedules, a promotion within a year, and more vacation or personal time.” One of Mr. Alsop’s main points is that potential recruiters must lessen their demands of millennials if they want to even be considered as a worthy employer. Finally, the author points blame towards the parents of the millennials. He states that parents have pushed their children to challenge everything and work for what they believe is right. This is not the norm in the current workforce and will lead to employer and employee butting heads. If the millennial cannot have their way they will leave the company on a whim, according to Alsop. He tries to bring focus towards the clashing between the old, traditional workplace and what will soon replace it as the rest of the ‘baby boomers’ retire. It is nothing that can be dismissed, but must be accepted as the new norm. This article uses several types of evidence to back up the claims made by Mr. Alsop. He uses surveys taken by well-known job finder sites such as MonsterTrak and CareerBuilder to assess how superior the millennials feel comparing themselves to their elder coworkers. However, the statistics used are not found in a very definitive way: “The superiority factor was measured by responses to such statements as ‘I deserve favors from others’ and ‘I know that I have more natural talents than most.’” These answers do not necessarily mean that the millennials feel superior to their coworkers. They could, for example, feel that compared to their

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