An Employee Does an Unsatisfactory Job on an Assigned Project

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Assignment 1 An employee does an unsatisfactory job on an assigned project. Explain the attribution process that this person’s manager will use to form judgments about this employee’s job performance. For every action one is told that there is an opposite and equal reaction. As a result of this actions are attributed to be as a consequence of something. Behavioral psychologists and scholars alike have realized that mankind usually attributes failures and successes differently. Bearing this in mind there was the coining of attribution theory. By definition, an attribution is a causal explanation for an event or behavior. The said theory was first developed by in 1958 by psychologists Fritz Heider in his book The Psychology of Interpersonal relations. Heider proposed that perhaps what people perceived and believed about they saw showed how they would act, even if their beliefs about what they may think of was invalid. Later on in the 1970’s and 80’s a final development by psychologist Bernard Weiner and Colleagues namely Harold Kelley, focused on consistency, distinctiveness and consensus cold be used by persons to determine validity of what they perceive. In depth, attribution theory asserts that individuals observe behavior and as a result of this observation, determine whether, the ending results were internally or externally caused. Scholars go further to assert that the fundamental principle of the theory is to help individuals understand their behavior. The theory’s basis is that people want to Bernard 2 know the reasons for actions as they occur or for those that they and others take; they wish to attribute causes and effects to varying behavior as opposed to making assumptions and asserting that such behavior could be considered random. Under the umbrella of Human Resource Management, the relationship between management and employees are

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