An Argument in Support of Lethal Injection

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An Argument in Support of Lethal Injection For the past few decades, the death penalty has been a very controversial topic in American society. Other countries, for example, the United Kingdom, have already abolished the death penalty. In 2000, the UK banned the death penalty with the signing of the European Convention on Human Rights. Yet, in the United States we are still debating it. The American people have varied views in being for or against the death penalty. When analyzing the forms of capital punishment such as, by firing squad, electrocution, or lethal injection, uproar seems to arise. For the foreseeable future, the nation will remain divided over the debate of the death penalty, so my concern in this essay is not about whether or not we should have the death penalty but more how such sentences should be carried out. I believe that lethal injection should be the only method of capital punishment used in the United States. The highest and ultimate form of punishment a state can sentence is death. I believe that lethal injection is the most humane method of capital punishment because it ends the inmate’s life without inflicting pain. Since there is no other satisfactory alternative that has been proposed, lethal injection is the most humane option. Those who regard the death penalty as “cruel” are unreasonable because there is no acceptable way to kill another human being, therefore, there is not an acceptable method. There is only the most accepted or humane. There are various reasons that people support the use of lethal injection such as, deterrence on crime, humanity, and bringing closure to the victims’ family. Having spoken to Dr. Susan Brinkley, the Chair and Associate of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Tampa, she gives her personal insight on the situation at hand. When asking Brinkley if she is for or against
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