Amy Tan Essay

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Amy Tan Final Exam In “My Mother’s English” by writer Amy Tan, we learned that her perception on her mother’s English had evolved over-time. As a writer Amy Tan feels that language is her way or tool of getting a point across, she even uses “All the English she grew up with”, meaning the fractured English her mother taught her. Tan says, “It is the sort of English that is our language of Intimacy, the English that relates to family talk, and the English that I grew up with”. Tan’s main point is that even though her mother speaks what some would call broken English, to her it’s beautiful to other “English speakers” it is abnormal. I think that her mother has been labeled or stereotyped. Also I believe that stereotyping is wrong. For instance, when Tan states, “It is the sort of English that is our language of Intimacy, the English that relates to family talk, and the English that I grew up with”. Amy Tan speaks in a “variation of languages like academic, a language she does not use at home, but uses when conversing with others outside her family or in her books”. Tan also uses“different English with her family (mother /husband) that she grew up with”. Amy Tan has provided us with many examples. Tan states on page 789 “As a case in point, a television station recently interviews my mother and I didn’t see it when it was aired, but my mother did. She was telling me what happened. She said that everything she said, which was in English, was subtitled in English, as if she had been speaking in pure Chinese.” But to her mother she saw nothing wrong with the way she talked and it was absurd for the Television station to make her sound as if she was an illiterate English speaker or speaking Chinese. To Amy Tan “her mother’s English is perfectly clear and perfectly natural” (Tan 789). “Her mother’s English is what she grew up on, her tongue, not Chinese, not standard
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