American vs. Islamic Imperialism

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American vs. Islamic Imperialism In every case motivations have been similar to obtaining other nation’s natural resources, to suppress and hold back enemies, to build up wealth, and to win power and glory. Most empires have expanded to territories next to their borders. They were driven by the need to provide raw materials for their industrial capacity, and the types of goods exchanged were determined by that need. There are other reasons and motives for imperialism. Economic motives included the desire to make money, to expand and control foreign trade, to create new markets for products, to acquire raw materials and cheap labor, to compete for investments and resources, and to export industrial technology and transportation methods. Political motives were based on a nation's desire to gain power, to compete with other European countries, to expand territory, to exercise military force, to gain prestige by winning colonies, and to boost national pride and security. Religious motives included the desire to spread Christianity, to protect European missionaries in other lands, to spread European values and moral beliefs, to educate peoples of other cultures. Exploratory motives were based on the desire to explore "unknown" or uncharted territory, to conduct scientific research, to conduct medical searches for the causes and treatment of diseases, to go on an adventure, and to investigate "unknown" lands and cultures. Originally Ghāzī warriors depended upon stealing to make a living, and were prone to incitement to rebellion in times of peace. The corporations into which they organized themselves attracted religious and political rebels of Islamic. The Ottomans were probably the first to adopt this practice. By early Ottoman times it had become a title of honor and a claim to leadership. The first nine Ottoman chiefs all used Ghazi as part of their full

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