History To 1500 To 1900

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From the 1500s to the 1900s, many countries were switching to an imperialistic way of thinking and operating. The switch to imperialism was a process that took place in numerous countries for a wide variety of reasons that were all supposed to better and strengthen the country, economically, agriculturally, and militarily. While imperialism did cause much good for many countries it also was the reason for much of the problems, such as war and other forms of conflict within a single nation and between multiple nations. Imperialism is a very influential reason for much of how the world today is set up and divided among nations. What exactly is imperialism? Imperialism happens when a stronger nation feels it is obligated to take over a weaker nation, or region, in order to control it politically, economically, and culturally. This practice also became important to growing nations to gain land, labor, and raw materials for the betterment and strengthening of the country. This type of foreign policy was mostly practiced by European nations and Japan, but the United States also began to join in imperialistic thoughts once it became a world power. Imperialism can also be known as colonialism. Basically all imperialism is, is the growing and expanding of a nation through gaining colonies and territories that will be able to help the country by providing not only the land, labor, and raw materials, but also by providing possible sea ports in a time of war or conflict, and gaining trading routes that help to provide easy transport of goods and materials by avoiding countries or peoples that may cause trouble for the traders travelling through(1). There were many reasons why a nation would become imperialistic. Economics played a very large role in a countries decision to become imperialistic. Many times imperialism occurred in a nation shortly after it had begun to
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