Alzheimer's Mental Disease

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Throughout the years society has encounter many debilitating mental disease that have impacted individuals and families’ living style. Alzheimer’s is one of the most common mental diseases that it is seen among the orderly community. The disease is so debilitating that it almost takes control over them, taking away something as basic as their personalities. Until today there is still not a cure for this illness, however there are new studies that may help eradicate it. The worst part of the disease falls on the family trying to assimilate to the changes caused on their loved one. Alzheimer or AD was first discovered by Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a neurologist “known for correlating the clinical course of his patients with the changes to the brain…show more content…
In order for the neurons to functions properly they have to contain Normal Tau without it the neuron would eventually die. Alzheimer’s usually appears after age 65 yet “In very few families, people developed AD in their 30s, 40s and 50s.” (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke ) The cause of AD is not firmly discovered yet many researchers believe that is generically inherited. Statistic show that it has the 4th highest dead rate among all dementia related diseases. The victim loses total control of their personality such as not being able to coordinate movement, recognize errors or…show more content…
Maintaining the victim occupied in a daily routine and proving a calm environment could also lessen symptoms. The victim would be able to sleep better and become more involved in their activities. Alzheimer’s victims are incapable of living on their own so most are refer to Nursing homes which are structure to maintain the patience under this treatment. Future treatments are being performed to prevent the formation of amyloid plaques just as vaccination of beta amyloid it can produce antibodies that can prevent the formation of it. PBT2 is another treatment that would stop enzymes potential to produce amyloid without affecting other functions this enzyme

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