All About Coffee

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A DISCUSSION ON THE BENEFITS OF COFFEE In this research paper, every opinion that was stated by other people was recognized by the use of a parenthetical citation. Any usage of exact sentences, phrases, clauses, or words from someone else are enclosed in quotation marks. If I have not used quotation marks on certain paraphrased portions, I have stated them with my own words. I have also introduced the paraphrase and used parenthetical citations to acknowledge the source. Everything written on this paper is factual whether it was paraphrased or not. I did not use plagiarism in this research paper. Signed:________________________ A DISCUSSION ON THE BENEFITS OF COFFEE Thesis: To discuss the advantages and disadvantages of drinking coffee I. Introduction to coffee A. History of coffee B. Other uses of coffee C. Famous coffee shops II. Main components of coffee A. Harmful substances 1. Caffeine 2. Tannin B. Non-harmful substances 1. Niacin 2. Dicaffeoylquinic acid III. Effects of coffee A. Benefits 1. Medicine 2. Antioxidant 3. Stimulant B. Risks 1. Anxiety and sleep changes 2. Addiction 3. Diseases IV. Reasons for coffee replacements A. For economical or money saving B. Medical C. Religious iii A DISCUSSION ON THE BENEFITS OF COFFEE “Black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as an angel, sweet as love.” This is how Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord describes coffee. During the early ages, coffee was associated with the devil. It was said that coffee is a black drink created by the devil to lure people. It was referred by many people as a poison. Not knowing about its good benefits, coffee started as an unacceptable drink. After many years have passed, people started to appreciate the goodness of coffee. Its rich aroma, pure taste, and sweet blend began to

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