Ali and Hassan - Chapter 9

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Explore how Hosseini present the characters of Ali and Hassan in chapter 9. Chapter 9 is the turning point of the novel which focuses on the characters of Ali and Hassan leaving Baba and Amir. In this chapter we learn a lot about what the characters are like and what they represent. Hosseini presents the character of Ali as a very modest and humble man, and also very kind. This is shown when Ali presents Amir with a gift for his birthday in Chapter 9. He gives Amir a hardback copy of Hassan and Amir’s favourite book. He tells Amir that the gift is ‘not worthy of him’. The personification of the gift shows how Hosseini is presenting the character of Ali through the book that he gives Amir. It is in fact Ali who is modest and not worthy of Amir because of the differences in their social class. Hosseini is trying to portray how Hazaras are not worthy of being within the company of Pashtuns through the personification of the gift that Ali gives Amir. Hosseini also presents the character of Hassan here when Ali says ‘Hassan says your copy is old and ragged’ which shows that the idea of the gift was actually down to Hassan. Hosseini is presenting Hassan as a loyal and devoted friend to Amir – he knows what Amir would really want for his birthday. It is after this that we hear from the narrative voice of Amir – he says ‘a book neither he nor his son could read’. The use of the declarative here shows Hosseini presenting Amir and Hassan as lower in class than Amir. Amir knows this well and is being presented with a book that he has full use of by people who know not how the read it. This is linked to the society of Afghanistan and how it is fiercely divided within class and status. Hazaras are severely discriminated against and are not treated as equals to Pashtuns. Hosseini is presenting this through the characters of Ali and Hassan, and through the action of them
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