Akeya Davis Research Paper

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“Life Experience and choices made” Akeya Davis PSY 202 Renee Bostick June 17, 2013 I. Introduction A. In many life experiences I have learned various lessons and made choices, some good and bad. Some that has challenged me for the better and some for the worst. But overall it has advanced me into the woman I have become. II. Bad Experiences I’ve encountered A. In my childhood 1. Parent being addicted to drugs 2. Moving with grandmother and major change in life B. In my adult life 1. Struggling with obeying rules 2. Becoming a teen mom III. Good Experiences I’ve encountered A. In my childhood 1. Being introduced to a Christian life 2. Improving my lifestyle B. In my adult life 1. Becoming an adult 2. Raising…show more content…
Some that has challenged me for the better and some for the worse. But overall it has advanced me into the woman I have become. This paper will give you a little insight from my childhood, to my adulthood, and give you the chance to learn more about Akeya Davis. Bad experiences I have encounter in my life as a child was my parents being separated. At the age of five years old my parents were drug addicts and always fighting and arguing so they never could agree to be together for me. My father left my mom for someone else. At the age of seven years old I was forced to move with my auntie because my mother was not able to care for me anymore. Her addiction had taken over. I would see her all the time but it was so hard because I was so young experiences it. Going through so much as a child was hard on me. It made me become mature before my…show more content…
The person most often moves from a known environment where primary responsibilities are limited to an environment where the person is responsible for nearly all aspects of life- making money, paying bills, performing at work, creating a successful relationship, and even raising a child- often all within the span of a year or two. In addition, young adults have great expectations and oftentimes inflated evaluations of their skills, leading to crushing disappointments when things don’t work out as they expected them to.” (Witt & Mossler chapter 3
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