African American Racial Group

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The racial group I choose for my article was African Americans and the experiences of this group throughout U.S. history. It has been one of bitterness and hardships, according to in the mid-1500, Europeans started to bring Africans to America as slaves. Many Africans died during this long voyages across the Atlantic Ocean. Once in America these slaves were sold to mostly plantations owners who treated many slaves harshly. In the 18th century, some Blacks acquired their freedom, gained property, and gained admittance to American society. Many moved to the North, where slavery, was still legal but was less of a presence. African Americans, both slave and free also made major contributions to the economy and infrastructure…show more content…
Their ancestors were taken from their own land and brought to a new world that they were completely unfamiliar with. Torn from their families and sold like cattle on the auctioning block to slave owners, and mostly plantation owners who rape, beat, and treated them with no mercy. These people continued to persevere and seek their freedom. In the mid 1800 these brave people would help fight for the Union during the Civil War to ensure their freedom. April 9, 1865 the Civil War ended and despite their new found freedom things did not get any easier for African Americans in fact things got much worst, many were beaten and kill savagely because of their new found freedom. African Americans in later years would find that they could work the jobs no one else would want, and get paid much less for those jobs and not only were they paid less they were treated as a second class citizen only being allowed to use resources for colored people. As time progressed African Americans fought to have the same rights as other Americans and the Civil Rights movement was born. The right for equality has paved the way for many African Americans today who can be found in every facet of America, from lawyers, to doctors, nurses, to teachers, Wall Street and even the…show more content…
Ferguson which allowed segregated facilities for African Americans and Whites under the constitutional doctrine of separate but equal, this law remain in place close to 60 years, it only allowed African Americans to use facilities, that were put in place for Blacks only, most of the time these facilities were subpar to that of their White counterparts, despite the protest of several African Americans. This law remain in place until the Brown vs. The Board of Education which the Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for African American and White students unconstitutional. The decision overturned the Plessy v. Ferguson decision 1896, which allowed state-sponsored segregation as it applied to public education. This legislation was upheld by many people taking the risk and allowing their children to attendant schools that were all White. The best example of this would be the story of Ruby Bridges, she is known as the first African American child to attend an all-white elementary school in the South. Thanks to the many people that endure many hardships African Americans have the opportunity to attend any school they like. These seemingly small steps led to huge changes throughout our history. It has allowed this group of people to reach heights they never could have imaged. I believe Maya Angelou said it so eloquently "Bringing the gifts that my ancestors
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