Improving The Status Of African Americans Essay

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Christopher Minett To what extent was the Federal Government responsible for improving the status of African Americans in the United States in the years 1945 – 65? After the Second World War, The United States of America was seen as a place of freedom and hope for those who strived for a better life. But, in reality, the freedom was not exactly as everyone would have imagined. Struggling with debt and racism, the country was not as problem free as they advertised to the world. Although there was grave problems facing racial equality after the war, by the 1960's, the black community had achieved so much to gain equality. But was this change due to the federal government or did the change happen through the black community itself? I agree to an extent that the Federal Government was responsible for improving the status of African Americans in the United States in the years 1945 – 1965. The federal government did push for certain laws but some were only changed through the actions of the black communities itself. One of the main reasons for this challenge in racial equality is because of the legacy of slavery. During the 17th and 18th century, slaves became a main export to America. Under the rule of the…show more content…
The federal government was responsible for multiple laws passed, such as the civil rights act in 1964. They brought about legal change but not necessarily of their own accord. Sometimes it was because of pressures from different groups and communities. Examples such as the Washington march and the Montgomery bus boycott were prime examples of how the black community could bring about change and pressurised the federal government. To conclude, the African American community brought about most of the change through peaceful protest and campaigning, but most change would not happen without the federal
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