Advancements in Surgery During Wwi

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Thesis Statement: During World War One there were many advancements in medicine and surgery. The First World War originated in new and huge problems for both military authorities and military health service. (Marc, 2002, Paragraph 1) There were many advances in medicine and surgery during World War One because of the many individuals that were injured. At the beginning of this war, nurses did not know how to take care of so many injured people. Many of the injured individuals were injured by grenades, gaseous agents, bombs, or bullets. These weapons lead to missing limbs, broken bones, and the nurses seen blood every day. Hospitals were developed, medicines were created, surgical procedures, and even the ambulance all were developed during World War One. The individuals hurt severely had to have immediate care or they would die, and most of those hurt eventually died. In the field of medicine, physicians were familiar with Louis Pasteur’s germ theory and knew of Joseph Lister’s discoveries in the fields of bacteriology and antisepsis. (Holder, 2004, Paragraph 1) The nurses also began finding out about bacteria and diseases such as influenza, typhoid fever, cholera, and tuberculosis. The nurses/physicians started learning how these diseases were developed or contracted, and they worked harder on preventing these diseases. During these times there was no clean water or clean clothes, and there was very little food to go around. The rats were so big that they ate most of the food. Rats carry diseases, so the rats alone would make the people sick. This war expanded the health service, and lead to a high demand for nurses/physicians and hospitals. In the summer of 1914 Great Britain’s leaders formed many hospitals fully equipped with all of the medical devices they would need to provide for 7,000 wounded individuals. There were also army nurses

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