Advanced Technology Essay

637 Words3 Pages
Today, we can’t imagine ourselves without technological advances such as cars, microwaves, cell phones, computers, and televisions. However, technology won’t stop here, but develop further. As technology develops, there are not only advantages, but disadvantages from them. A few advantages of upgraded technology are that one can save time and money and life will be made easier as a result of not having to do all the hard labor. In contrast, the disadvantages of upgraded technology are that people will loose their jobs to machines that will do the work for them. In addition, machines and robots are too complex for most people to use. Recent advancements in technology have changed our lives significantly. Most noticeably, they facilitate our living, as evidenced by more effectiveness, efficiency, convenience, and ease which result from their proper application. With the aid of recent advanced technologies, difficult tasks can be accomplished in less time with less effort and energy than they were in the past. However, some people are concerned that the convenience and ease that recent advanced technologies offer affect our humanity. Since technology can facilitate almost all our activities, many people depend more on it than on other people Nowadays the technology is so developed that people have the opportunity to use improved computers, labour saving devices (machines) and many other items making their live easier. Thus, we have more leisure time for taking a rest, doing some sports, listening to music, playing variety of computer games etc. Computers have a positive influence on children. Computer games can encourage kids to think much more about themselves and gain valuable experience which is relevant to the 'real' world. Much contemporary children's software is highly educational and teaches a child about the world outside the classroom in

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