Adidas Csr Essay

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Adidas Group Corporate Social Responsibility Sabrina Seibert, Trenessa Sidney, Danielle Simmons, Myra Thach, and Glenn Webster AMBA 610 Section 9047 Professor Charles Fuller March 13, 2012 Executive Summary Many companies go to great lengths to act socially irresponsible towards their customers, shareholders, suppliers, and even employees just to make a profit. Adidas Group (Adidas), on the other hand, believes in improving those same lives by building a company that can be trusted not only on a global scale, but also within the communities through corporate social responsibility (CSR). CSR is the undertaking of business in an ethical way to achieve sustainable development economically, socially, and environmentally. The CSR model addresses four areas of society: economic and legal responsibility, which is required by society; ethical responsibility, which is expected by society; and a philanthropic society, which is desired by society (Berrin & Mücahit, 2011). The purpose of CSR initiatives is to improve the quality of life of employees, local communities, and society in general. Renowned economist, Milton Friedmann’s quote once stated that “management is to make as much money as possible while conforming to the basic rules of society, both those embodied in the law and those embodied in the local customs” (Carroll, 1998). Adidas embodies Friedmann’s idea of a socially responsible business that is profitable. Carroll points out in his article, The Four Faces of Corporate Citizenship, that the public expects businesses to make money, but go “beyond the bottom line” to make things better for their workers and communities (1998). Adidas Group Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a fairly new phenomenon in business and is not without controversy. Companies are leery of spending resources on activities that have

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