Acuscan Case Study Analysis

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AcuScan Case Study AcuScan is attempting to revitalize revenue and increase market share by developing a new target market by modifying its current technology. This is difficult to attempt with limited resources and budget concerns. Despite the limitations, the development must happen in order for AcuScan to continue to thrive. The Case Study involves my analysis, conclusions, and an executive summary for the leaders of AcuScan. Analysis 1. Describe all assumptions seen in any of documents provided in the case study. a. Kelly i. Assumes his team cannot handle the additional workload ii. Assumes Pat does not understand what goes into a new product design iii. Assumes that a rushed prototype would do more harm than good iv. Assumes that only one feature can be developed in the time allotted v. Assumes Pat is attempting to undercut him with senior management vi. Assumes initial conversation with Pat wasn’t serious b. Pat i. Assumes Kelly’s team can handle the full scope of the project ii. Assumes a prototype will be enough iii. Assumes Return on Investment will be worth it over the long term iv. Assumes Pat is trying to undercut her v. Assumes that Kelly is trying to be difficult vi. Assumes the new function of the scanner is easy to develop vii. Assumes working around Kelly’s team is the only way to get things done c. Cliff i. Assumes that the company can quickly turn itself around ii. Assumes the public will not notice when he claims its doing better than ever iii. Assumes Chris and Pat will be able to completely turn things around this year iv. Assumes the budget will be enough v. Assumes that departments are still overspending and budget cuts can be implemented without threat to the function of the company d. Chris i. Assumes that the Return on Investment will be worth it in the long term ii. Assumes competitor will get the edge if

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