Technology Advancement and Sound Perception

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Dylan Hojnacki Dr. Lotto SLHS 2013-12-02 Technology Advancement has Reduced Complex Sound Perception The growth in technology has been experienced in all sectors of operations. Benefits have come along with this growth by enhancing the way different individuals undertake operations. Many have praised and supported the growth because some heights may not have been reached through the utilization of human efforts, alone. However, there have also been negatives effects to these advancements of technology. Understanding the contributions of any advancement in technology helps individuals to critically evaluate its effects as well as perceive its future in society (Christoph, Susanne and Maria 98). Sound perception is a particularly complex issue to handle as it requires an immense intake of information, in effort to make conclusions of how the sound was made, where it came from and ultimately its intentions. Therefore, it is important to understand the effects of perceiving sounds during this era when we have experienced technological growth (Wolfflin 15). This paper seeks to disapprove that advancement in technology has contributed to improved perception to recognizing complex sounds. Misperception of sounds that can be referred to as phonological reanalysis helps determine the root sources that are associated with sound change in terms of articulatory variability and acoustic ambiguity. Acoustic ambiguity shows how the listener may end up arriving to an unintended meaning from their perception. On the other hand, due to the broadening of language through introduction of new words others, it complicates the listener’s ability to effectively identify the correct sound heard, due to the acute similarity to other existing words. Therefore, it raises the inability to correctly articulate and interpret the sound that the speaker produces.
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