Acidic Oceans Essay

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Acidic Oceans Water is essential to life, life evolved in water. This got me thinking about the oceans and what global warming is doing to our oceans and what that means for the life that depends so much on the oceans. I came across an article called “Can Our Oceans Survive the Acid Attack?” by Natalie Roberts who is a PhD student at the University of Cambridge Earth Sciences Department. The article explains how atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are rising fast and climate change is causing a temperature increase which may be causing the oceans to become more acidic. This leads to the question how acidic will the oceans become and what affect will this have on creatures that live within them? The surface of the ocean has a lower concentration of carbon dioxide than the atmosphere which causes it to act like a sponge soaking up the carbon from the air. Roberts goes on to say how over two hundred years the ocean as a whole has only lowered in pH by 0.1 of a unit. This may not sound like much but the author explains that the pH scale is logarithmic, which means that sea water is now actually 30% more acidic than two hundred years ago at the start of the Industrial Revolution. The author gives an example that acidifying the ocean is a similar chemical process much like producing carbonated drinks, except the ocean doesn’t become fizzy. Roberts tells about a memory of her parents dropping one of her baby teeth in a glass of a fizzy drink and watching it dissolve. Much like teeth, shells are made of dissolvable material such as calcium carbonate and animals that live in these shells are vulnerable to any change in acidity in their environment. Roberts proceeds to explain the chemistry behind this process “When CO2 dissolves it reacts with a water molecule to produce carbonic acid (H2CO3), this dissociates into a bicarbonate ion (HCO3-), and an acidic hydrogen ion (H+)

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