SCI 362: The Ocean And Human Health

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The Ocean and Human Health SCI/362 October 9, 2012 The Ocean and Human Health The thought of public health risks usually does not include the ocean as a feasible domicile of potential risks to public health. Over past years there is an increase of concern about the impact the ocean has on public health. Research as of the present time is proving that the change in climate has a direct association to public health and the health of the ocean. Every living system needs oxygen to breathe. This precious necessity distributes from the ocean into the earth’s atmosphere. With the earth covered by 70% water one could conclude with each breath taken the health of a living system is, depending on the health of the ocean. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are examining the effect on the health of living systems and how a direct contrast to the oceans health may render solutions or expose risks. Solutions such as medicines extracted from the ocean formulated to help save lives. Exposing health risks associated to contaminated seafood, drinking water harmful to human consumption and polluted beaches. Illnesses traced to…show more content…
“A growing body of research demonstrates that the maintenance of marine biodiversity may be key for sustained ecosystem health and resilience against global change, suggesting that managing for marine biodiversity may help resolve conflicting management objectives, and enhance the nation’s biosecurity. Thus, biodiversity might serve as a master variable in evaluating both the health of marine ecosystems and the success of management efforts” (National Council for Science and the Environment, 2011, p.p.
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