Accounting 3301 Essay

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Accounting 3301-02 Case 1 1. State the criteria for recognizing an event as an extraordinary item as written in the FASB Codification. • FASB Code 225-20-45 1. Judgment is required to segregate in the income statement the effects of events or transactions that are extraordinary items (as required by paragraphs 225-20-45-10 through 45-11). • An event or transaction shall be presumed to be an ordinary and usual activity of the reporting entity, the effects of which shall be included in income from operations, unless the evidence clearly supports its classification as an extraordinary item. 2: State the issues of the case. • The Issue of the case is that the company sustained a tax loss of $8.4 million • The loss was primarily due to $10 million in expenses related to product recall Why is the issue of presentation of the recall amount controversial? • The issue was controversial because if reported as an extraordinary item their income from continuing operation will show an increase from the prior year. Why is presentation as an extraordinary item on the income statement a positive choice for the company? • Because it will shows an increase in prior year profit • The Stock market will appreciate the continued growth in ongoing profitability and will discount the onetime loss • Also it would increase the company bonuses What are the negative consequences of presenting the item as extraordinary on the income statement? • The negative consequences are if the extraordinary item is if not fixed and it happen again then it will show double the loss and will affect bonuses and the company overall profit 3: List the stakeholders

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