Account for the Cosolidation of Nazi Power Between the Years of 1933-1939

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Account for consolidation of Nazi Power between 1933-34 The Nazi Party’s consolidation for power between 1933 and 1934 was immensely based on legality. In the aftermath of the Munich Putsch in 1923, where the Nazis attempted to seize power from the government of Bavaria, in north of Germany, Hitler altered his methods of gaining political power. Through the legal system, the democracy, propaganda as well as the use of the SA and the SS, Hitler and the Nazis was able to attain political prominence. However, Hitler’s rise to power into the office of Chancellorship was mainly due to the political deals made between Hitler’s enemies. Thus, this essay will account for the consolidation of Nazi power between 1933 and 1934. The failure of 1923 Munich Beer Hall Putsch triggered for Hitler and the Nazis to alter their means of gaining power. Hitler instead of physical force, to attain political power, he turned to the democratic legal system, and had intended to gain votes into the Reichstag. After the Munich Putsch, Hitler was sent on trial and this gave Hitler and his movement national attention, causing for the increase of his following among right wing nationalists. While the Munich Putsch was not a success, as Hitler failed to seize power through force, his movement was however publicised, and made known to the German people. This would thus, the first step in building the Nazis movement and making it known to the German public. The years from 1924 to 1929, The Nazi party did not gain much popularity as the current Weimar Democratic Government was enjoying a period of economic growth and relative stability. The people of Germany were not appealed by the extreme values of the Nazi party as political and social stability was existent under the democratic leadership of Gustav Stresemann who mended Germany’s hyper-inflation through the Dawes Plan and the Young Plan, and
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