Did the Nazi's Have Full Complete Control over Germany in 1934?

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Towards the end of 1934, Adolf Hitler had managed to gain complete control over Germany. Through a very important law named the enabling act, Hitler was able to pass multiple laws declaring other parties illegal and moulding Germany into a one party state. In one single night he also managed to diminish any threats and with the death of President Hindenburg along side the oath made by the army, Hitler began to nazify Germany. From his appointment as chancellor in January 1933 and through each point leading towards 1934, it could be said that Hitler managed to claim total control over Germany, In March 1933 with the new Reichstag elections Hitler hoped his party would win a two thirds majority in the hope that he could get parliament to agree that he could rule without it. The Nazi party now forced to think tactically and with the burning of the Reichstag building through a communist Hitler was able to blame the extremist party for the beginning of a revolution and with President Hindenburg's approval he arrested the ‘enemies of the state’. With this fortunate accident, the ‘missing’ SPD party and the agreement with Zentrum Hitler was able to get his two thirds majority to pass the Enabling Act which entitled him to pass laws without parliamentary approval. Although on the surface Hitler seemed to have a lot of control, this was not complete, due to the fact that President Hindenburg could over rule him and perhaps even terminate him as chancellor. This power, however, led to multiple sudden adjustments to Germany, after becoming a one party state by July 1933, through making the SPD party and all other competitors illegal, he continued to set loose on Germany’s very powerful and threatening trade unions. Trade unions posed a strong threat to the NSDAP due to their power in Germany, considering their support for the SPD and even KPD. With this Hitler
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