Academic Summary: Brownlee

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Academic Summary: Brownlee In the editorial, “It’s Portion Distortion That Makes America Fat”, economist Shannon Brownlee discusses the topic of obesity in America. She claims that fast-food restaurants do well economically when we gain weight. She begins by introducing information about different cases where fast-food restaurants have been the cause of the obesity in persons. She provides previous background about the topic referring to how people used to eat back in time. In addition, Brownlee claims that the reason of fast-food restaurants work is by marketing. She provides the enough evidence to believe that advertisers try to persuade the society in order to make people go to eat at the fast-food restaurants. Furthermore, Brownlee asserts that even if restaurants provide more food for less money, they still making an appropriate profit. Additionally, she addresses the fact that the society prefers upgrade their meals just for a few extra cents, but the Americans do not realize they are earning more calories than they should consume. She argues that companies are the only responsible for people becoming obese because they provide a lot of food just for a little of money probably because companies have found out that big meals produce big profits. Besides the companies are changing their menus in order to produce more profits also companies have been changing their products in order to fit with the new shape of the Americans such as clothing lines and furniture have been adapted to the new Americans’ style. She analyzes that at some point of the life, fast-food restaurants are going to destroy each other by competing in order to have the majority of clients. Brownlee considers that probably small quantities like in the 60’s or 70’s can help people to become healthier and avoid the

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