The Shepherds Story: The German Shepherd Dog

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The Shepherds Story: The German Shepherd Dog are working dogs that are direct and fearless animals that were discovered by MaxVon Stephanitz in 1899. MaxVon wanted to develope a natural breed that was known for its versatility, intelligence, Loyalty and beauty. He thought that above all “Utility” is the true criterion of “beauty”, and developed the breed with that in mind. (Total par 7) The GSD is also known as Schaferhound, Deutscher or as the Alsatian. They are beautiful Canines that is usually black and brown in color, or sometimes just black. They can be Blue/Silver, but that is a fault. GSDs are not usually white but there is a separate breed called American White Shepherd”, but the most common…show more content…
Later the name Wolf Dog was dropped because it was thought that the name “wolf Dog” would prejudice the Breed. So in 1977 the German Shepherd name was brought back. ( par 19) The GSD is prone to hereditary diseases such as Hip and Elbow Dysplasia, blood disorders, digestive problems (probably do to nerves), epilepsy, eczema keratitis, flee allergies and Heart diseased do to being a large breed dog. These dogs are alert, bold, and cheerful and obedient dogs that are eager to learn. They have a lot of calm confidence about them but are not hostile. Most Shepherds love to be close to their families and weary of strangers. However, once you have been accepted by him you are his friend for life. These animals need people and can not be isolated. They will only bark when it is necessary and have very strong protective instinct. If a GSD is aggressive with or attacks humans it is usually due to poor handling and training. If a Shepherd is raised by someone one who is too passive, they may become more prone to fear and biting as a guarding issue,

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