Abortion Essay On Pro Life

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Tanu Arora Life Span Psychology OL Assignment # 2 :Abortion Abortion has been a controversial issue for quite some time now. When it comes to the major debates about abortion, it usually comes down to 5 major topics which include human rights, religion, birth control issues, legal precedence, and when life begins. Its broken down into “pro-choice” and “pro-life”. The problem is that majority of the debates for these issues come more from moral assumptions and less empirical evidence. Emotional appeals play a huge rule in the abortion debate, it is a main tactic used by those who are “pro-life”, where as reasoned arguments are used more by those who are “pro-choice”. Many pro-life advocates believe that abortion is killing a human being because unborn babies are human beings from the moment of conception (procon), they believe that the fetus feels pain during the abortion procedure, and abortion causes major risks to woman physically and mentally. Pro-choice advocates believe that personhood does not begin till the baby is born (procon), they believe that the fetus is…show more content…
In 2008, 1.21 million pregnancies were aborted (Guttmacher). I believe that every woman should have a right to decide whether or not she would like to get an abortion. I believe if a woman feels that she is not able to raise a child the way he/she deserves to be raised, if she cannot financially support the child, if having the child will effect her health or the child's health, these to me are all justified reasons for not wanting to bring a child into this harsh world. I do believe that there should be a certain time limit in which an abortion can take place, because as it gets closer to birth you are dealing with a fully developed human being, but in the earlier stages of pregnancy it should be a womans choice. Abortion is a personal decision not a legal

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