Abigail Williams Character Analysis Essay

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In this brief story I will be going into depth to explain a little about a character from the book called The Crucible. That character’s name is Abigail Williams, an orphan, and the niece of a reverend. Although we don’t know much about her pass life or where she came from, so far we have learned that she has evil in her for sure. I will give my inference about her background, problems/concerns, my first impressions of her, what she thinks of herself, what others think of her, what she thinks of others, and her development through the play thus far. Abigail Williams is a seventeen year old, strikingly beautiful orphan girl and the niece of Mr. Parris. Abigail’s problems/concerns is that she accuses others of witchcraft and wants Elizabeth Proctor the wife of John Proctor, a local farmer, dead so she can take her place in everything Elizabeth does including being John Proctor’s wife. This obsession to take Elizabeth as his wife developed after them sleeping together. For example there was a statement made by John Proctor stated, “she wishes my wife dead and me and her dance on my wife’s grave.” When Abigail first entered the story I thought she…show more content…
As the story develops we are finding characters of a backstabbing, cunning person, that could easily be a murder. Abigail Williams is an orphan we learned this of her early in the story but we really don’t know her true origins. Who knows she could be using witchcraft herself to manipulate and deceive people. Even at the end of the story she deceives her uncle by claiming to be spending the night over at her friends’ house when really she was robbing him and leaving. In conclusion, I believe the lesson to be learned from this character is not safe to assume
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