ADHD Epidemic In America

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I have worked with youngsters and adults with ADHD and find it astounding that in certain cases little is known by families, carers and the individuals about this disorder. Is this in light of the fact that resources are lacking, or on the grounds that opinions are divided on the condition itself? Alison Munden (1999) remarked that numerous families come to become despondent, on the grounds that their endeavours to find either a explanation for ADHD or a cure have been unsuccessful. I will begin with a brief look at the common treatments for ADHD followed by a literature review exploration of the choice of ADHD treatments. There are a lot of conflicting views and opinions for the treatment of ADHD I will look at four types or “treatments”…show more content…
The article starts with an abstract, summarising the article it proceeds by presenting the idea that this disorder has no scientific confirmation to prove that it is a disease or disorder. Stolzer ADHD is a of ADHD about by something , ." In 1950, America, ADHD did not exist. Ritalin, which is the primary component of methylphenidate, is the most common recommended ADHD medication there are clear dangers and adverse effects. Stolzer of of : National Institute of has methylphenidate can classroom unsettling consistence. Stolzer states there are frequent ill effects of methylphenidate discussed freely. According to her this drug has been associated with severe withdrawal symptoms, irritability, suicidal feelings, headaches, and trekked syndrome with weight loss disorientation, personality changes, social isolation and depression. Stolzer then explains that even new are neurovitus Michelin’s manufacturer, reports that there are many adverse effects. Continuing her argument, she claims to returning is so addictive, and it is scheduled to the most potent and highly addictive classification of drugs (dolls are hundred and 10). Commenting on the Valley City of the ADHD…show more content…
Stolzer and articles are not persuasive and begin on the wrong foot by claiming that ADHD is an epidemic in this country, however, I would not go as far as saying that this is an epidemic yet. She also claims that ADHD behaviour is normal for an adolescent boy, but how can it be normal is currently is being treated widespread as a mental disorder? Surely not all of these people are wrong. Stolzer states that in 1950s ADHD were not in existence, however, research by Mark Elf Ullrich is proven, in his article attention deficit hyperactivity disorder the most studied yet most controversial diagnosis that reports of ADHD like behaviour have been dated back to as early as 1980 (Wolraich, M. L. 1999). Stolzer forgets to mention is that ADHD has been an old documents disorder that has just been coined with seemingly appropriate name. The author mentions that the proponents of the disease model of ADHD a pseudo-hypothesis at best are adamant in their assertion of ADHD is the result of a chemical imbalance within the brain in spite of the fact that there is no scientific evidence to substantiate this hypothesis (Stolzer, 2007).
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