A Rose In The Storm

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The Gospels to “Rose in a Storm” There are many similarities between “Rose in a Storm” and the gospels. The man in “Rose in a Storm” represents Jesus and the dog is like a disciple, most likely Peter. The man suffered while being buried alive, this transcends Jesus’ crucifixion. The man is then saved by his dog Rose; Rose is representing Peter.. Rose Tried to save the man, Sam, but he eventually ended up dying. Rose did not know what to do because she was so used to doing what Sam told her to do. This is an example of a Peter. Peter tried to save Jesus from being arrested in the Garden and even cut a soldier’s ear off. Peter did not want to see Jesus Crucified just like Rose did not want to see Sam die. Both Peter and Rose could really not do anything to prevent the death of Jesus or Sam. Both of these things were bound to happen. But Rose dug Sam up who was in the ground for three days just like Jesus being buried for three days. Rose bringing Sam out of the ground was an example of the resurrection. Sam had new life, and took care of Rose just like Jesus took care of Peter, telling him everything would be alright. After Sam took care of Rose one last time, he passed on and went to heaven. This is identical to the ascension of Jesus; Jesus was only on Earth for a short time after his resurrection and then ascended to heaven. Jesus told Peter he would be alright without him on Earth, while Sam told Rose the same exact thing. Both Peter and Rose were now on their own to make their own decisions, but they both still really had Jesus and Sam. “Rose in a Storm” is a story of redemption and so are the gospels. Peter denied Jesus three times but Jesus showed Peter forgiveness and redemption. It is amazing how wide and deep Jesus’ grace for us truly is. I do not know what I would do without Jesus’ grace, it would be hard trying to live by the law and be

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