Summary Of The Lucifer's Diary

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In the book of “The Lucifer’s Diary”, written by Lewis R. Walton, the Israel separated into Judah and North Israel, after the reign of Solomon. In hundred years, Israel and Judah against the God again and again. God had raised many prophets to save these sinful people, but they didn’t want to return from their evil path. Finally, the North Israel was captured first, then the Judah was also destructed in 586 BC during the reign of Zedekiah. Though the God seems to leave Judah, but the story of Daniel and his three friends proves that God never leaves His faithful servant alone, He is always being with them and support them. God never forgets His people and he can protect and help them in everywhere. When the king Nebuchadnezzar ruined the Judah, he captured all the people…show more content…
After Daniel explained the dream that God gave to the King Nebuchadnezzar, the king decided to build a golden imagery to glorify himself. At the dedication ceremony of golden image, all the people were required to bow in reverence before the status, included the three friends of Daniel. However, their faith and religion made them refused the command of King Nebuchadnezzar. The King decided to throw them into the fire, but God was with them. Without fear, they were thrown into the fire, and in the fire, they found the Jesus was with them, even the king recognized the face of the Jesus. Again, God did not leave His servants alone, He protects people who wanted His protection. Can you imagine how happy it is if you found Jesus beside you when you were in danger or depression? Sometimes, people may think God left them, however, the truth is, unless you leave God, God will never leave you. God will never leave unless you turn Him away. Moreover, even though you may do something wrong or left God before, when you find your belief, faith again, and pray to God again, God will come back and help you for

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