A Chronological Narrative: The Challenging Notions Of Womanhood

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In challenging traditional notions of womanhood in terms of citizenship, labor and sport, women prevailed in gaining suffrage and higher social status while facing opposition from the 1800’s up through today. This essay, which specifically touches on voting equality and citizenship, describes the steps taken by many female activists to improve the quality of living for American women in the early 20th century. If you enjoy what you read and would like to learn more information about this topic or how to buy essays from our awesome service, give us a call today! Our professional writing service is trusted by students worldwide and can help you reach your academic goals. Challenging Notions of Womanhood: A Chronological Narrative Leading up to 1920, notable figures like Alice Paul and Harriot Blatch led the way in many changes in America that challenged previously established notions of the role and status of women in society. Surely, the road leading up to the passing of the 19th…show more content…
For instance, Nancy Spencer argued that Billie Jean King set off a third wave of feminism in winning a notable tennis match against Bobby Riggs; consequently, as she directly challenged traditional notions of male dominance in sport, she elevated the status of women to being up to par with men (Spencer). Also, legislation such as Title IX worked towards combating negative stereotypes of women in the field of sport. Mary Kane argued that not only did Title IX challenge social conventions of how women were regarded within sport, but media coverage post Title IX also reflected much more egalitarianism, respect and acceptance of women in sport (Kane). The years past the 1970’s also reflected more direct evidence of women’s changing roles in American society as they emerged as being strong advocates of equal pay that challenged
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