The Fight For Women's Rights

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The Fight for Women’s Rights Essay 2 Outline Introduction Thesis: Elizabeth Cady Stanton fought for women to have legal rights, have better jobs, and higher education, even though many men shunned her. I. Women fought laws that would discriminate against them. A. Seneca Falls Convention B. “Declaration of Sentiments” C. Divorce rights D. Hold property E. Guardianship of children II. In the industrial world, women wanted equal wages and hours. A. Wages B. Hours C. Medical field D. Legal field E. Domestic work III. Many women fought hard to be able to get the same education as men. A. Higher education B. Women colleges C. Coeducation Conclusion The Fight for Women’s Rights Throughout history women have been hidden behind their husbands. They were not able to have a say in the household, hold a job with reasonable hours, or be able to earn reasonable pay. Many women would not speak up for themselves. Men took pleasure in their control over them. Elizabeth Cady Stanton fought for women to have legal rights, have better jobs, and higher education, even though many men shunned her. First off, many women fought against the laws that discriminated against them. In 1848, Stanton met with four other women for a social meeting. They decided to form a convention and get together to “discuss the social, civil, and religious condition and rights of women (Brown).” This convention was called The Seneca Falls Convention. The women campaigned for full female equality. A few examples of these rights were the right to vote, own property, attend college, and enter a higher standard of the work world. This convention led to the writing of the “Declaration of Sentiments”, which mimicked the “Declaration of Independence”, but states that

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