A 2500 Word Assignment Which Demonstrates Trainees’ Developing Understanding of the Theory and Application of Mathematical Subject Knowledge

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In this first part of the assignment I will be discussing how models and images can be used effectively to teach the mental calculation strategy Compensation. Within my presentation I explained how models and images can be a useful visualisation for the children, as in Key Stage 2 the children should be very familiar with the number line and jumping strategy. This is where the children have an empty number line and use chunks to jump. Example 20 + 39, the children find it more efficient to add 40 and remember to subtract 1, this is called the “compensation strategy” (Education World: 2011). Images and models can be interpreted so that the children can physically see what happens when they do a calculation. The Compensation method when taught effectively could be one of the easiest methods for the children to complete when doing mental maths. (Education World: 2011) The mental Mathematic strategy that I was allocated was Compensating. Compensation works by performing a calculation on two numbers, you should round one of the numbers to make the calculation simpler, then perform an addition or subtraction, to compensate. (Maths Thesaurus: 2001) This strategy can be useful when adding and subtracting numbers that are close to a multiple of 10, for example, numbers that end in 1, 2 or 8 and 9. (National Strategies:2010) When teaching the children the mental Mathematic strategy of compensation, models and images can be used to attract the children and encourage them to use this method when suitable. Teaching with number lines is a useful method and can be done by using blank number lines and images such as thermometers to show positive and negative numbers, this provides the children with useful ways to imagine things whilst learning new Mathematical knowledge. (Suggate: 2011) Using images with the number lines such as frogs to show the jumps or other relevant images

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