Solomon Asch Essay

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Solomon Asch Conformity experiment Solomon Asch in 1951 In 1931 Sherif conducted an experiment in which subjects were asked to make a judgement based on an ambiguous task. This experiment was for example being asked how many paper clips are in a clear plastic cup and without counting them to prove otherwise there can’t be a right or wrong answer. Sherif found that when the participants could hear each others answers they tended to converge on a particular answer which was considered as a group average. However Solomon Asch (1951) believed that this conformity was due to the fact that the task was ambiguous so he devised a more strategic experiment in which participants were asked to identify a line which was identical in length to a standard line they were shown on different occasions amongst 3 other lines. The participants were told this was an experiment into aspects of visual perception. During the experiment all but one of the participants were confederates of the experimenter. On certain occasions the confederates were told to give wrong answers deliberately and because of this Asch expected that the naive participant would not conform to the group because it would mean giving the wrong answer which was obviously incorrect. In the experiment Asch had the participants seated around a table, each of the participants was in turn shown a card which had a reference line drawn on it and then another card with three lines on it which were labelled either A, B or C and from these three different lines the participants were then asked to identify the line which was identical to the reference line. In each case the participants were asked to state publically which one of the labelled lines matched the reference line. On the different occasions the examiner would signal the confederates when to say the wrong answer and the naive participant would not know what was
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