40 Legs For My Wife Study Guide

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40 RIDDLES FOR YOUR EoY PARTY COMPILED BY ‘TOYIN SHITTU 1. What is greater than God? What is more evil than the devil? The poor has it, The rich need it, if you eat it you will die. What is it? Nothing 2. How could three men sitting around a round table in a restaurant discussing vital and National issues have three legs? One is an Arab who fold his legs while sitting, the second is an American who cross leg while sitting in a meeting and the third is an English who sits with etiquette when in public gathering. 3. What gets bigger the more you take away? A hole! 4. What gets wet the more you dry? A towel!! 5. If it takes ten men 3 hours to dig one hole, how many men does it take to dig half a hole in the same amount…show more content…
What runs but never walks? Water! 17. This thing runs but cannot walk, sometimes sings but never talks. Lacks arms, has hands; lacks a head but has a face. What is it? A Clock 18. I know a word of three letters, add two letters and fewer there will be? The word "few". Add "er" and it becomes fewer. 19. If boiling water is poured into a thick drinking glass as well as a very thin wine glass, of the two, which is more likely to crack? The thick glass is more likely to crack since glass is a poor conductor of heat. In a thin glass, the heat passes more quickly from the glass into the surrounding air, causing the glass to expand equally. When hot water is poured into a thick glass, the inner surface expands, but the outer surface does not. It is this extreme stress on the glass that causes it to crack 20. What relation would your father's sister's sister-in-law be to you? Your mother 21. Pronounced as one letter, But look and you'll see, That really I'm written with three letter. I'm read from both ends, The same either way. What am I? The word EYE 22. They have no flesh, nor feathers, nor scales, nor bone. Yet they have fingers and thumbs of their own. What are they?…show more content…
26. Steve has three piles of sand and Mike has four piles of sand. All together, how many do they have? If they put them all together, there will be one pile 27. How can you throw a golf ball with all your might and -- without hitting a wall or any other obstruction -- have the ball stop and come right back to you? Throw the ball straight up. 28. According to most state laws, the attempt to commit a certain crime is punishable, but actually committing the crime is not. What is the crime? Suicide 29. What belongs to you but other people use it more than you? Your name 30. How many seconds are there in a year? 12 ofcourse; 2nd of January, 2nd of February, etc... 31. Everything Mr Red owns is red, he lives in a red bungalow and his chairs are red, his tables are red. His ceiling, walls and floor are all red. All of his clothes are red, his shoes are red, even his carpet, television and phone are red. What colour are his stairs? He doesn't have any stairs because he lives in a bungalow! 32. You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat? An ear of corn. 33. What can you catch but not

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