Paramedic Case Study Answers

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Case Study #1 Part 1: What should the Paramedic do? First thing to do is to remove the Pt from the environment and place him inside your vehicle, in this case the helicopter, and remove his remaining clothing, then turn on the air conditioner to full strength. This is known as passive cooling and will allow his body to throw off some of its excess heat into the environment. Then he would want to place icepacks on the back of his neck, in his armpits, and on his groin in another attempt to throw heat. Henry would then start an IV and begin to run fluids. He would most likely give multiple liters to replenish fluids lost, but the primary goal of this fluid challenge is to make the Pt hemodynamically stable with a b/p at a minimum level of…show more content…
Heat stroke- significant overheating of one’s body that results in cramping, dehydration, and many other significant symptoms. If not recognized and treated promptly it may result in death. b. First degree Burn- Burn with minimal depth affecting only the dermis. Reddens skin and increases risk of skin cancer later in life. c. Electrolytes- electrically conductive substance containing free ions d. Glucose- Sugar used by cells in the body for energy e. Melanin- Pigment in the skin associated with coloration. 2. He lost approximately 10% of his total water volume. He would see a decrease in urinary output as his kidneys worked to maintain volume in the body. 3. Marks blood pressure was low because his blood vessels had dilated to dissipate heat. His heart rate would vary depending upon what stage he was in. Initially it would rise in an attempt to compensate and hold the blood pressure up, but after awhile the body would tire and his heart rate would fall. With his blood pressure low he would not be getting proper circulation to his brain and this would lead to disorientation. 4. It would be a very poor idea. The alcohol in the beer is a diuretic and would make him urinate more than typical. This would lead to quicker and worse

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