303 Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

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Principles of diversity, equality and inclusion in adult social care settings Outcome 1 Understand the importance of diversity, equality and inclusion • Explain what is meant by: Diversity, Equality, Inclusion, Discrimination Diversity is about understanding and respecting everyone’s individuality. This covers age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, disability and social-economics status. Diversity ensures that individuals are treated fairly and equally to opportunities. Equality is about having ‘equal opportunities’, this means it is a law to comply with the anti-discrimination legislation. This law will protect individuals from being discriminated against. Equality creates fair and equal opportunities to all individuals where possible, and protects them from prejudices and preferences. Inclusion is the provision of rights to all individuals and groups in society, such as employment, adequate housing, health care, education and training. Through this they break down barriers that separate or restrict people from taking part in social activities or getting work. This prevents individuals from being excluded due to ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, disability etc. An example of this is in my care setting some of the residents are elderly and have mental illnesses. As some of them cannot walk far or carry heavy items, staffs offers to assist them to do heavy duty tasks such as their food shopping, or cleaning their rooms. Discrimination is when a person or group of individuals are prejudged because of their category. The people who prejudge them behaviour towards these individuals are to exclude them or restrict their opportunities due to them being different to them or their ‘norm’. Discrimination can prevent an individual from achieving their full potential or succeeding. For example, if a black

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