3.33.3 Examples from Own Practice of Supporting Children or Young People to Access and Manage Risks.

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Whilst I was at placement I have taken part in a lot of activities. Some of these have needed me to tell the children how to work safely. One of the activities that I had to do this was when they were using the scissors. I assisted in an activity where they had to make puppets. This was done by using some felt and cutting it to a shape of a charicter they wanted to make out of a book i drew the shape on the felt and asked the children to cut around it. I carefully supervised the children to make sure that they do not hurt themselves while they were doing the activity. I also asked the children that were struggling using the scissors if they needed help or if they wanted to use a different type of scissors. I also asked if they were using the correct hand with the scissors if not i would give them the right scissors to match the hand they were using. This is so that they will find it easier and comfortable to use them i also showed them how to hold the scissors to make it easier for the children. The other scissors do not need to be used with your fingers as they can just be squeezed at the top to cut the paper. Letting the children cut by themselves lets them have independence and helps them to develop their fine motor skills. Once the children had finished using the scissors one of them put the scissor blades near their fingers. This child was advised to remove the scissors away from their fingers and was told that this is not allowed to happen. This is so that they will understand that doing this is dangerous. I did this activity with around 6 children and was with a member of staff. The children using scissors will develop their skills. For example they are able to learn to use the scissors more effectively and hand eye co-ordination. At the end of this session one of the other children took the pair of scissors and ran a little with them. I also advised

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