Individual Care Plan

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50121960. CU2625 –Implement person centred approaches in health and social care 1.4.Explain how using an individual’ care plan contributes to working in a person centred way Plans for how people want their support to be delivered are a vital part of person-centred working. People should be in centre of their plans and the planning process is a key way of ensuring that are at the centre of any support provided Care support plans are now developed by the person themselves, sometimes with support from family and friends. Plans are then agreed by the social worker or the manager. The development of a support plan is the perfect example of how person-centred working operates. Instead offering people a choice of what is currently available…show more content…
It is important that you check the person, equipment and the environment before undertaking any moving and positioning activities. When positioning people who are unable to move themselves, such as those who have suffered from a severe stroke, it is important to remember to check their pressure areas, particularly the elbows, heels and sacrum. Poor positioning techniques can cause pressure areas to develop. 3.4 Describe actions to take in relation to identified risks Once risks have been identified on a risk assessment form, risk control measures will be put in place to minimise the risk of harm. As a care worker, it is our responsibility to ensure that we follow the risk control measures put in place by our employer. Failure to do so could result in injury to the person we are supporting, or ourselves. Whatever action is taken or risk control methods put in place, you will need to document this in the person’s support plan along with an explanation of why you needed to deviate from the person’s risk assessment. It is also important to document if somebody refuses to be moved or positioned, because if their health suffers as a result of not being moved and you have not recorded this, it will be deemed that the move did not take place and it will be seen as your
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