1:2 Person Centere Practice

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1.2 Critically review approaches to Person Centred Practice One approach to Person Centred Practice is treating everyone as an individual. Laws such as the Human Rights Act 1998, Health and Social Care 2012, mandate that each person should have the right to be treated as an individual and that needs, wishes and opinions all be taken into consideration. Care planning and Health Action Planning have a key role in person centred approaches. There are a number of different approaches to providing person centred care. One is knowing the service user as an individual. To enable this, first of all staff need to build up a good rapport with a service user, this can be established in many different ways. Once a good relationship is built up you can know the service user as an individual. Another way is by developing a personalised care plan; this involves preferences, wishes and needs. This approach enables you to get to know a service user and get to know in which way they would like to be cared for. Another approach to Person Centred Practice is empowering service user’s to freedom of choice. By law a service user has the right to freedom of choice; this could even come down to simple things such as food and drink preferences. Each service user has the freedom of choice; this could also involve the choice about their treatment plan. To provide person centred practice all staff should give their service user freedom of choice, even if they don’t agree with the choices being made. Staff has to respect the choice of the individual. By not allowing a service user to make choices, even if this could pose a risk to them could have a negative impact on them as they are not being able to live as they wish. If a service user makes a decision that could pose a risk to them, we cannot physically stop them from doing so, we can advise against it but ultimately they have the
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