Can Words Be Stolen

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Can words and Ideas be stolen? Yes, because it is a law of plagiarism; which can get you into some serious trouble and you can also get kick out of college. When you think about it, it is something being stolen and it’s not coming from your mind. It’s just like if someone stole something from you that is very valuable and you can’t do anything about it. When it comes down to plagiarism especially in school it can lead to consequences that will cause you to lose everything you have work extremely hard to achieve such as scholarships and etc. Plagiarism is representing any work or idea that you have not created. Plagiarism in my Webster’s Dictionary is to take ideas from another person and pass them off as your own. Plagiarism is a form of theft, fraud, and stealing. When I think of the word plagiarism the word criminal comes to mind. It must be treated in the same manner as a criminal act as with money and property. Words and Ideas are a person object of mindset with hard work of thinking and processing on to prepared to create work of your own. Plagiarism is a real thing to worry about when it comes down to doing homework assignments and you go online and try to copy and paste the work to make like it’s your work and thoughts. Any teacher can tell how their students write something by the way they speak and do work in class relating to the same topic that they have homework on. Some students used the form of plagiarism because there have problems expressing themselves, but everyone has their own unique style of writing. So, why steal someone else thoughts and expressions. On the other hand some students plagiarism because they is overwhelmed with work or problems at home, but there’s an answer to every solution. Some cases of plagiarism can be avoided, just by citing sources. Never forget to mention that certain materials or quote has been borrowed, and

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