203 Introduction to Equality and Inclusion in Hsc or Cyp Settings

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Outcome 1 – Understand the importance of equality and inclusion A dictionary explanation of diversity would be “A variety of something such as opinion, colour or style”. When you think how such a simple statement means for people does it really cover it? We all have preferences: Tea or Coffee How much milk or sugar TV program choice Music preferences Temperature of the room Do you want a cushion behind your back Simple everyday things but they can make a huge difference to your enjoyment on the day and looking forward to the following days. Now put that diversity into culture and religion. A lifetime of belief in separating genders in personal care situations can be a massive blow when faced with having a male or even a female carer for in some situations. Food can be a massive concern for some cultures, not just the choice of meal but also on what day of the week it is eaten. Equality isn’t about just giving everyone the same dinner or watching the same TV channel. It’s about giving them the same choices. Being able to make a decision about what to watch, what to eat, where to go today and then have the same access rights to the same shops and transport systems to get there. We need to celebrate the fact that we are all different. To include and accept all people into our society in the same way we expect people to accept our own culture into theirs. If we don’t treat everyone the same regardless of their age, religion, culture or gender then we are discriminating against them. Some people may need help or changes need to be made to enable them to have the same access to society in general. Treating everyone the same does not mean “everyone has to do the same thing” but rather “everyone has the same kind of choices. You have to identify the individual, what is their beliefs, their culture and how this affects their daily lives. What
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