Carl Rogers Essay

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Module 1 – Essay title: Evaluate the claim that Person – Centred Therapy offers the therapist all that he/she will need to treat clients: Person Centred Therapy/ Aproach /Rogerian ( P.C.A) is a humanistic approach to counselling, founded by Carl Rogers ( 1902-1987 ) – the purpose of Person Centred counselling is to encourage the client to become fully aware of his or her feelings without the psychotherapist advising or making suggestions, The therapists role is solely, at this point, to offer warmth and empathy and accepting what the client says without judgement. By solely reflecting these feelings back to the client the therapist ensures the client can relax and is unjudged, realising that he can express his inner feelings. The therapist can examine any inconsistencies and the appropriate feelings can be explored. Good feelings are encouraged, thereby strengthening the inner - self , negative feelings can then be viewed in a non - threatening manner and more objectively. Through this process, the clients self – actualisation develops and they can use realise that they have less need to be defensive and subservient. They can look forward to meeting people because their self - image is stronger and not bound by the image they have nurtured since childhood. In 1957 Rogers detailed the six conditions that are necessary for therapeutic change. These are : • That the helper makes psychological contact with the person to be helped • That the client is vulnerable or anxious • That the helper is congruent or genuine • That the helper experiences non-judgemental warmth or acceptance towards the client • That the helper experiences empathy. • That the client receives the empathy UPR (unconditional positive regard) and genuineness of the helper. There are some key assumptions made by Carl Rogers, Firstly that human beings are basically good and will strive

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