1. the Civilizations of Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt Differ in Profound Ways. What Were These Differences and What Were the Major Causes for This to Be so?

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Midterm Exam 1. The civilizations of ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt differ in profound ways. What were these differences and what were the major causes for this to be so? There are many things that differ ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt. Some of these differences are their religion, agriculture, writing skills, and inventions as well as their ways of life. The major cause of the differences they had was the location of the area where they lived in. The area affected their lifestyles in different ways. Mesopotamians were polygamists (worshiped multiple gods). Sumerians based their gods according to the forces in nature they also had a close relationship with their gods even though their gods were known to be cruel; their worship was also based around divinity. The Sumerians believed that they existed and were on earth to serve the gods. People of all ages would suffer the gods fury and face challenges as a punishment from the gods if they did not serve or worship the gods properly. Both the gods and the people needed each other for example the gods needed the people to admire them and maintain them, meanwhile the gods from time to time would give them gifts or favors. It was believed that the kings were the gods’ representatives on earth; the kings had special privileges and special tasks that they had to accomplish. For example the kings ruled by special divinity and were set apart/ away from all other people including the priests. Kings also had to respect and glorify the gods through offerings just as the rest of the people the only thing that was different was that the kings had a greater commitment than the rest because their power was greater than the peoples or priests. The Ubaid people created central locations for places of adoration, and the buildings were used for economic and administrative purposes. Uruk, was a more urbanized version of the Ubaid

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