Takers Vs Leavers

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Jeff Davidson Mr. Albert English 091 15 April 2010 Takers vs. Leavers There are many lessons taught in the book Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, however, Ishmael's main lesson in this book is for the narrator to learn the differences between the Takers and Leavers peoples. One main difference is how each of their lives is guided. Another difference is how they feel they're lives are controlled. Also, their originalities and how they cam about are different. Takers and Leavers both have differences that are fundamental to the balance of the earth. Takers and Leavers live their lives in completely opposite ways. Leavers live under the control of the gods, and that's the way they feel it should be. On the other hand Takers live their lives in freedom, and do not feel that the Leaver way is the right way, and do not believe in their way. Takers believe that if this control were present, "it wouldn't apply to us because we're so far above all the rest of the community," (Quinn 99). From this quote it is obvious that Takers feel that there is no control from gods, and if there were that they would be above their control. They feel this way because they feel that the human race is far above the rest of the creatures in existence on the earth. Takers also feel that, "the world was made for man," (Quinn 67). This quote is pretty much self-explanatory. Now on the other hand Leavers believe that the Takers "are an accursed people," (Quinn 177). They feel that the way that because of the way that the Takers live the gods punish them for this. Takers and Leavers also feel that they come from a different past, and not one that is the same. According to Mother Culture, "the Leavers were chapter one of human history...their chapter ended about 10,000 years ago with the birth of agriculture. This event marked the beginning of chapter two, the chapter of the Takers," (Quinn
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