Women In Genesis: A Creation Myth

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Word Count:1.292 Throughout historic literature, women have been put on pedestals, and torn down by societies, among these pieces of literature are stories such as Genesis, The Iliad, and Agamemnon. women like Eve and Clytemnstra are frowned upon for thinking too much and for having characteristics that are only wanted in men. Although these women were judged by the society they were in, they were only judged by guidelines that were set deep in the past. In the hebrew bible, there is a section called Genesis. Within Genesis there is a creation myth that has the story of how God made the earth in seven days, it then goes on to explain how he made man and how through man, woman was made- “He took one of his ribs and closed over the flesh where it had been, and the Lord God built the rib He had taken from the…show more content…
The only instance where a female takes on more of the characteristics of the male gods, is Hera, Zues’s wife and Queen of the gods. She is very powerful, but the greeks did not see her as a favorable god, because she caused so many problems simply with her jealousy, and in the end even she yielded to her husband, the male in their relationship. A fantastic example of this is in another passage from the Iliad where Hephasteus tries to calm his mother so that she will not be struck down by his…show more content…
Clytmnestra compared to men throughout the story, but my favorite quote is at the beggining of the story- “So she commands, full of her high hopes./ That woman- she maneuvers like a man”
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