Why Was It That Prussia Unified Germany?

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Why was it that Prussia unified Germany? Prussia emerged as a force under the leadership of Bismarck; and is considered to be one the main factors into bringing a unified Germany. Germany at the time consisted of 39 states managing their own interests. Prussian influence in Germany began with the Zollverein an economic unit consisting of 18 states. Even though when looking at Bismarck’s aims in the beginning where never to unify Germany under Prussia. Bismarck’s initial aim was Prussian domination of North Germany rather than full national unity. His loyalty was to the Prussian king not the German people. German unification was the result of 3 short wars. The Prussian army made Germany a reality. With the work of general Moltke, the Prussian army was able to use railways for the rapid movements of troops; with quick mobilization. Prussia was able to achieve this by the army reforms made by Bismarck. The economic situation of Prussia helped strengthen her military resourced needed to challenge first Austria. Prussia had become the most industrialized state in Germany. She was now a force to be reckoned with in Europe. Also the Zollverein dominated by Prussia which included every German state except Austria by 1864. This ensured that Prussia had economic influence in Germany, although in 1866 all the Zollverein states allied with Austria against Prussia. Prussia was able to unify Germany because of external factors to. Prussia was considered a second rate power. Hence Prussia was able to achieve supremacy in Germany without arousing hostility with other nations. The situation of Austria economically was one that helped Prussian cause; Austria was unable to modernize her army unlike Prussia. Even though internationally Prussia was aided by the fact Austria was in a diplomatic isolation. Bismarck played a crucial role in the unification of Germany.
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