Which Do You Think Is More Important, the Rights of States as Sovereign Entities or the Rights of Groups and Individuals Within States?

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Humanitarian intervention and the spread of human rights can be recognised as progressively challenging the nation based order of the order and adjusting it to embrace universal values and individual human rights. The international realm has persisted to stress the significance of non-intervention, however, it is arguable that military involvement must be legalised in disregarding the sovereignty rule in cases where states have succumbed to civil disorder or when a regime massively infringes its citizen’s rights. As the United Nations prohibits war, excluding self-defence and united action with the approval of the United Nations Security Council, humanitarian intervention produces major dilemmas for the international realm which is established on nation rights such as sovereignty, self rule and the rights to non use of force. Presumably, sovereign nations behave as defenders of their civilian’s protection, however, many human rights activists assert that nations are allowed to act aggressively towards their own population, regarding sovereignty as their authorisation for abuse. Spurring vigorous debate among theorists is the issue as to whether totalitarian nations should be acknowledged as genuine member of the international community and provided with the protection of the non intervention standard, or whether they have forfeited their sovereign rights and ought to be exposed to legitimate intervention. The ineffective actions and silence of the international community to collectively intervene in mass atrocities such as the moral catastrophe of Rwanda, have renewed disputes about the liability of external nations to impose universal human rights standards against those who grossly violate them. The clearest clash between global morality and state based international law has involved humanitarian intervention and the worldwide enforcement of human right

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