What Are the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Uk Constitution?

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What are the strengths and weaknesses of the UK constitution? The UK constitution is a set of rules relating to how the state is to be run and organised. These rules, which in the case of the UK constitution can be either written or unwritten due to the uncodified nature of the constitution, define the functions and powers of major institutions of government, the relationships between said institutions, and the relationship between the individual and the state (through individual rights). The primary function of a constitution is to provide legitimacy to those in power; however it also defines the limits of government power, protects freedom and distributes power within the political system. The UK constitution is somewhat unique in that it is one of only three states to have an uncodified constitution (the others being New Zealand and Israel). The constitution has several strengths and weaknesses because of this, which will be discussed in detail. Firstly, and on the positive side of the argument, the UK constitution is highly flexible and adaptable because of its uncodified nature, which allows constitutional arrangements to be altered in line with social and political changes. This capacity stems from the fact that there is no judicial review in UK courts. The rules of the constitution are not contained within a single document, unlike the United States’ constitution, which means that the ability to alter or remove statute laws, conventions or works of authority is far greater because no higher constitutional law is more difficult to change than ordinary law. This is important since constitution can be changed quickly and efficiently if circumstances demand it. The power of governments isn’t as tightly defined and limited as in countries with codified constitutions and, because there are fewer constraints, governments can get more done. Examples of this are
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