War Poetry And Wilfred Owen

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War Poetry Introduction A poet is generally a man who feels something and tries to express his ideas and emotions about this thing in a way far better than that of the ordinary man. And the more effect of the subject, the better the poem. So when t comes to war we find that the poets express themselves in the most eloquent way. War, just hearing this word makes one think of many clashing ideas about it. Every single person on this earth has a clear idea about war and some of us already have a personal experience with the tragedies and suffering of war In this simple thesis we will talk about war poetry and its major poet, Wilfred Owen. The first part of these papers is concerned with war poetry in genera, it begins with a historical background of war poetry traced back to the time of Homer. Followed by the major characteristics of this school of poetry which has no standard criteria. After that, we shed light on the major poets of this school: Siegfried Sassoon , Rupert Chawner Brooke, and Isaac Rosenberg. The Second part is concerned with the great war poet, Wilfred Owen. Talking about his importance as a poet and the disagreement of men of literature about him. Followed by a simple answer to the question: How does Owen represents his school. Finally, we will make a brief illustration of six of Owen's poems. Historical Background .... they are fortunate who fight For gleaming landscapes swept and shafted And crowned by cloud pavilons white. , sassoon (1) Poems about war are as old as poetry itself, beginning with the greatest poem in European culture, Homer's Iliad composed in the 8th century bc telling the legendary tales of Troy and war between Greek and Trojan. The poem is clearly based on much

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